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Aired: January 19th, 2022
Audio and Photo Source: Michelle Fox and Instagram
The Queen of the kitchen returned. Culinary Nutritionist, Michelle Fox, came back to chat about her most recent trip abroad, combating end of trip blues, and of course food, food food! Tune in to learn tips on traveling with the fam and staying healthy while on the go.
Wine Down Wednesday: Michelle Fox
Orion Brown (00:00:02):
Hi everyone. Hello? Hello. I'm so excited to be on this live and alive. <laugh> y'all I got, I got the rona, I got the rona I'm not even gonna laugh. I got the rona . Um, but <affirmative> um, don't freak out yet. I am quarantining. I am using my filter, so y'all, can't see the, well, actually it's not that bad. I will say I, I did the, with the filter and without the filter and I was like, without isn't terrible, but it might go downhill while we're talking. So I just figured I'm going ahead and bring that filter back in. Hey, Michelle! I'm so excited and this is the perfect week for me to be talking to my girl, Michelle Fox love because she is dope and she knows about all things being healthy. I even brought, it's gonna look murky on here, but my green drink <laugh> it ain't drink. It's not purple drink or green drink. It's green drink. Um, so, so that I could keep myself healthy as we, as we chatted up. So everybody, for those of you don't know me, my name's Orion Brown and I'm the founder of BlackTravelBox. We're a personal care products company for travelers of color. And this is Wine Down Wednesday. What does wine have to do with travel? Normally nothing. Hey!
Michelle Fox (00:01:21):
I am so, so freaking proud of you. You know anything green just gets me all excited. <laugh>
Orion Brown (00:01:28):
I got my gluten free chips. I'm I'm getting there. I'm getting there. They're good too. They're sweet potato. We'll talk about that in a second. Uh <laugh> for those of you who are wondering it's like, what does wine have to do with travel? Well, throughout rona travel has been my self care prior to Ronna getting in the middle of all of this. I just wanted to create a space where we could kick it and we could talk about at least my favorite thing. And I think it might be your favorite thing too, which is travel. It's that excited feeling you get, like, if y'all ever booked a trip and you just paid for like the hotel, you know, you locked in, like, you can't give that back. You're like, yeah, I'm actually going, I don't care what comes up at work. I don't care what comes up with a family. I'm going I'm out peace. And so that's where wind down Wednesday came from. And normally I would have a glass of wine because I am typically very nervous on live. Um, but today, as I said, I got the coodies. So yeah, I had to, I had to come with the green dress and it makes me look cool for my amazing guest. Michelle Fox love. Hello, darling.
Michelle Fox (00:02:31):
Hello Beautiful. I am loving the hair. Loving the glasses. Loving. That's a new background. Isn't it?
Orion Brown (00:02:37):
Yeah. I just, I rotated, I'm sitting on the couch. I actually like got my life together. Got the couch I wanted like, I'm like living in a home now. It's it's amazing how you know, <laugh>
Michelle Fox (00:02:49):
You're all grown up now.
Orion Brown (00:02:51):
I know I'm all grown up.
Michelle Fox (00:02:53):
Wow. I'm so proud of you!
Orion Brown (00:02:54):
Oh my gosh. I'm like, I turned 40 in like three weeks, four weeks. Wow. And I'm still, I honestly y'all. Nobody tells you, at least for me, nobody told me that I would still feel like a child in my head. So I'm like, y'all don't know. They don't know I'm 12. Okay. Okay, cool. Right. Cool. Cool. Cool. We'll just keep going with it. Yes. My, my address me as Madam. Yes. Um,
Michelle Fox (00:03:19):
You always tickle me and that is why I've been looking forward to this Wine Down Wednesday, all week long. Oh my gosh. I love thank you. Pushing through the cuties. I'm so happy to be here with you,
Orion Brown (00:03:32):
Right on sis . I've been, I've been down. I think I had like a gallon of green juice today. I was like, if I can't eat, I'm gonna drink something.
Michelle Fox (00:03:40):
Oh, it's rough.
Orion Brown (00:03:41):
He it's not the celery. It's got all this. It's good. I like it. She said, Ooh. I'm like, okay, did I overdo it?
Michelle Fox (00:03:47):
No, no. Meaning like what, what kinda cuties do you have? I mean, since everybody's -
Orion Brown (00:03:51):
Oh it's the Corona, it's the rona , and here's the crazy part.
Michelle Fox (00:03:55):
I'm sorry.
Orion Brown (00:03:56):
I only tested, and this is gonna sound really silly. But when I got very sick, I got very sick in November just before Thanksgiving. I was like, I'm not trying to go anywhere. Why not go, go somewhere, slept myself out while I feel terrible to go get a test, to tell me I feel terrible. I'm like, if I need to go to a doctor, I will and they'll do all the testing. Um, so I just stayed in, took care of it, whatever this time I was like, you know, I, don't not that bad, but I'm just gonna check and see what this is. And y'all, I don't know if who, if any of y'all have been doing the home test, I hope you have been doing the home test periodically. Um, cuz I've got all the shots, all the boosters. Hell they gave me the flu and the booster at the same time, I was like, seriously, my arms aren't set up for this. But um, as soon as you take the test, like, it turns the same when you got it. It turns like - That waiting 15 minutes is like, I'm like, this is the worst pregnancy test I've ever taken. Oh my goodness.
Michelle Fox (00:04:54):
Oh, only you would go there.
Orion Brown (00:04:58):
And then I was like, no, no, no. Cause you know, there's like a 1% chance. It's a false positive. Let me go pop another one. That one was like, <laugh> it just laughed at me. It didn't even show a line. It just laughed. It just laughed. So, but I'm okay. Y'all I'm not, I'm not, I'm not dying. I have a little mild fever, but you know, that just gives me a glow. That's all that is.
Michelle Fox (00:05:16):
There you go. Make, make you look extra fabulous.
Orion Brown (00:05:19):
I love it. I love it. Miss. What have you been up to? I've been getting emails and everything from you. Well, first off we have to introduce you to everybody. Um, since you're a second timer, we can't go through the regular light. How many stamps in your passport, et, etc. Et cetera, but tell everybody who you are. Oh, you brought 'em okay, shoot. We gonna do this. We gonna do actually. Okay. We're gonna do a quiz that you physically have them there, but go ahead. Tell anybody who you are, where you're from, where you live and what is the dopest stamp you have in those passports? Oh,
Michelle Fox (00:05:54):
You, you just did a little twist on me. I wasn't ready for that.
Orion Brown (00:05:57):
<laugh> gotta keep you on your toes. <laugh>
Michelle Fox (00:06:00):
You? You do so. Yes I am Michelle, Michelle, Fox culinary nutritionist. And so, so very grateful to be here with you. I don't know if you saw my post two seconds ago, but this is Woman Crush Wednesday because I just love you. Thank you so much for having me tonight Miss Orion.
Orion Brown (00:06:20):
I, you know, I just bring all the people that butter me up. That's all I do. You know? <laugh>
Michelle Fox (00:06:25):
Well, we'll do that all day long. We, we got all night <laugh> so yes, I brought my two passports cuz I recently got married two years ago. Changed my name. So this is the passport for the people. So they know they get these little holes in it. So you can't. Yes. So you can't use it again.
Orion Brown (00:06:40):
Yes. So you can't se it again. <laugh>
Michelle Fox (00:06:43):
So that was Michelle Fox. I don't share this with a lot of people, but because I trust you Orion I'm now officially Michelle Black. That is my legal name. Michelle Black. Oh, so that's what this passport is. So there's four passport or four stamps and the new one, two years. And there's 22 stamps in the old one. So we gotta get this one filled. That is what I'm trying to say,
Orion Brown (00:07:07):
But I love y'all see, you see how she slid in the MRS passport. Right? Y'all see how she slid that in. It's like when you it's like when you get the ring and all of a sudden you start talking with your hands. Ain't nothing wrong with it girl you deserve it. Like, y'all feel like it's warm here. Nobody else warm. Ooh when I be driving , your hands be at ten an two. The only time your hands are at ten and two is in high school. And when you get engaged, like those are the two times that you're like, I want my hands at the top so everybody can see them.
Michelle Fox (00:07:38):
Yes, and to keep it real. I'll tell you this is husband number two. So first one. Yes. I was a little bit of bridezilla and I was a bit of that. This one I'm like, I know who I am. I know who he is. I'm I'm so in love. It's all good. Nobody needs to know about our biz.
Orion Brown (00:07:52):
Awww, but diamonds still are a girl's best friend. I ain't go lie y'all. Y'all even if they, they got that extra something, something. Um, I love that though. Oops happened? What did I just do? I pushed the wrong thing. I was trying to wave at people. This is what I get, see y'all I'm over here on the green juice <laugh> um,
Michelle Fox (00:08:12):
Well actually to answer, to finish answering part of your first question, I gotta answer correctly, which is Costa Rica is probably my favorite because I saw Donny's on here. So I gotta give props to our girl Donny, your fellow Aquarius. Yes. It looks like she's signed on a minute ago. And I was able to go travel with her a couple months ago and that was a dream super, super grateful.
Orion Brown (00:08:35):
I'm I'm not gonna lie. I was a little pissed off. I was like, I was just there with them. We were all together working, masterminding our businesses and then I get home and I'm like, Ooh, I need a vacation. And I look online and y'all are kicking it. <laugh> I'm like what
Michelle Fox (00:08:53):
You, you were with us in spirit. And it just means you have to come with us next time.
Orion Brown (00:08:59):
Michelle Fox (00:09:18):
Third culture kids, TCK's
Orion Brown (00:09:19):
So like when you come from a lot of different cultures or you were like an army brat or whatever it might be, or if you just like really love culture and, and love and living different places, check out cultures magazine, but give her, follow her, but then give her for not taking me to Costa Rica with the rest of the girls. Cause I'm not here for it. So tell us like, what was, what was so awesome besides
Michelle Fox (00:09:42):
You always keep it real. That's why we love you.
Orion Brown (00:09:44):
Just I'm just I'm just - You know.
Michelle Fox (00:09:46):
That's why we love you. Keep it.
Orion Brown (00:09:52):
So what was so awesome about this trip to Costa Rica? Because I hear have not been to Costa Rica yet. And I hear like, basically two things about Costa Rica is like zip lining and learning Spanish. So like what <laugh> I know that's all I heard. That's all I heard so far. So, but I know Donnie is like a, a conniseur of Costa Rica. So like what does she have y'all doing? And what made that so memorable besides getting the heck up outta Dodge
Michelle Fox (00:10:18):
<laugh> so <laugh> we were there to honor her father who passed recently and he was Costa Rican. So that is half of her DNA is Costa Rican. So that's why we were there originally. Um, but it was kind of funny cuz I actually invited Donny to be a guest on my show for culinary nutrition and you know, Donnie. She was like, well sure, but I'm gonna be in Costa Rica a couple weeks before that you should just come with me. I'm like, okay. Like,
Orion Brown (00:10:50):
I mean when in Costa Rica
Michelle Fox (00:10:52):
<laugh> right. I'm like one, you just don't say no to Donnie it, but two, you don't say no to Costa Rica. So <laugh> mm-hmm <affirmative>, that's how I got invited. That's how that all went down. So I promise it was not personal. It was just <laugh> timing. Like within three weeks I was like, oh, I guess we're doing this now. Okay. Oh <laugh>
Orion Brown (00:11:12):
I missed those days. I mean, it's starting to come back obviously. I mean, you know, the cooties are real it's no, nobody else believe it. I got two tests to prove. Um, but like those days of being at like, I, my, a lot of my close friends were work friends, um, over the last 10 years and it, and it's like, we would be at the water cooler, be like, Hey, maybe we should go here. Oh, we got this trip to The Bahamas and one girl dropped out. We got a room open. Do you wanna come with? And those are like, sometimes those are like the most fun trips, like just being able to get that time. So, so tell me a little bit about like what your highlights were from that trip. And I mean, not the, obviously the personal stuff. Cause she had the family stuff going on, but like what were some moments that was like, Ooh, Costa Rica. Okay. You owe me nothing.
Michelle Fox (00:12:00):
Yeah. So as who, soon as you said, I just got full body goosebumps. Uh, yes, because it was actually my third time there. Um, I love, love, love Costa Rica. The first two times I literally cried at the airport cause I did not wanna come home. So this third time I'm like, okay, Michelle, keep your big panties on you're you're a woman now. Like <laugh> no crying, no more crying at
Orion Brown (00:12:22):
The airport. Pull up them, granny panties. I'll go home to that new hubby
Michelle Fox (00:12:28):
That's true. Cause he was not with me. Maybe that was part of it. I was happy, but that
Orion Brown (00:12:32):
Helps. It helps it out. Almost didn't leave South Africa once, but that's a whole yeah. Oh. But I was like,
Michelle Fox (00:12:40):
Go back to that story. Yeah. <laugh>
Orion Brown (00:12:43):
Being in a place that you love so much, but then you got somebody at home that you love so much and you're like, okay.
Michelle Fox (00:12:50):
Yeah. Yeah. And I was just gonna share that like generally speaking, like I know you, it's never nice to stereotype of people, but I've never met an unkind Costa Rican. Like I just, from the moment, step off the play, like true statement. Yeah. Yeah. It's pure Aviva. Like they, they, the people in Costa Rica in my experience have just been so warm, so welcoming. Um, the food is from the land. The weather is almost always beautiful. You get the best of both worlds, you know, you've got the ocean, but then you've got the mountains and then you've got the rainforest in between. Like it's, it's just everything. It's it's everything.
Orion Brown (00:13:31):
Oh, I might need to find a way to get my butt down there. I, I need to, I need to make that happen. I love something that you said. Um, cuz I, I see you making the effort to like correct yourself and not be like blanketed, but I think one of the, the most brilliant ways you said that is in my experience, I have never, I have never met. I have like, cuz that's the thing you could be like I never met a Brittney that was nice. That doesn't mean all Brittneys aren't nice. <laugh> I just know you understand my trauma. So when your girl shows up and I got a screw face on you can nudge me and be like, she cool. She cool. Um, and that applies to so many things in life. If you go to a place and you don't know anything about the people, the, you know, don't go by just, well, you know, they must all be this. Cause I saw it on TV or they must all be that it's like, no, I've never experienced a different type of personality in this, in a person that looks like that. Or cause that leaves you up that leave you back. OK. I haven't met it, but it might, it might exist there. It might not, but I'm not about to make that generalization. So I really love that. You took that moment to clarify cuz that's we all need to do that. I love
Michelle Fox (00:14:44):
It. Thank you. Hello. And then real quick, I wanna give a shout out to my Verona who just came back from her home country, South Africa. She says South Africa rocks. So, so glad you're here. Barona and Barbara Brooks, she says she can't wait to go back to South Africa too. So I guess we're all going back. Maybe it's time for you to share your story?
Orion Brown (00:15:02):
Group trip! Oh my gosh. I was there. I was in South Africa in 2010. Um, I was in business school. I was engaged at the time. Um, and I, it was so funny because in college y'all you talk about like missteps and like plans, you know, you make plans God laughs. All of that. Um, I, I still like that. I benefit from when he laughs, but I'd be like, you didn't have to laugh that loud though. You really didn't have to, you didn't have to be that out loud about it. Um, when I was premed, I was premed in college, so I didn't take any study abroad or anything. Cause I was like, I gotta get past a, you know, chemistry and peak and all this stuff. And then eventually just ended up. <laugh> not going that route. And so I really didn't get as much sort of academic travel where you don't have those, you know, opportunities where it's like, I don't have a bills to go back and pay and all of that stuff.
Orion Brown (00:15:58):
Like I can just be in the space. And so as soon as I went to business school and I got my masters at duke, I was like, I'm going on? Every trip these folks got I'm going on every trip. Um, and I got to go a number of different places. We, um, in, in South Africa we spent a week in Johannesburg and a week in, uh, a weekend in Pburg. So, uh, you know, doing the, the whole safari thing, which was super dope and then went down to Cape town for a week and it was absolute divine
Michelle Fox (00:16:29):
Magical. And the,
Orion Brown (00:16:31):
The economic opportunity down there is insane, right? Because there's such an arbitrage of really intelligent, smart people. Um, the price of their, the value of their dollar. Uh, was it a Rand? I think it is, um, is relatively low. I was like, we could open up all these businesses and pay people well, and I'm like over here trying to like figure out the, the, the challenges of Soto because you see it and you go, this is stupid, but it's, it's a process and it, and it doesn't move quickly. And countries what I learned later, they were like, ah, we really like giving visas the people, we don't know <laugh> there you go. So I took my TA and, and home and just cried into my little, you know, I wanted to stay, but it's absolutely gorgeous.
Michelle Fox (00:17:21):
And look at you now, BlackTravelBox. Crushing goals, making Black women look and smell by the way delicious. I, uh, for my friends that don't know I was in, in Arizona recently with Orion and I, we were in a conference with Sistah Biz and I came by and I'm like, smell my hair, smell my hair. I'm like, it's your product? And I just, it just, it just makes me smell and feel so good and so grounded. Oh my God.
Orion Brown (00:17:48):
That's exactly what it's about too. Cause you it's funny when I started the company and not to Make this like a, a company thing, but like
Michelle Fox (00:17:52):
No, we want to hear it.
Orion Brown (00:17:57):
When I started - <laugh> when I was thinking about it, I was like, all right, every other company. And for those of you don't know, I used to work in consumer goods. Um, I used to work in the food sector. And so like the way that you build out a product sort of starts with the consumer, but not really, it starts already constrained with, I wanna make a mayonnaise now, what kind of mayonnaise would they like? You know, that kind of thing. And so I started out with, I wanna make her happy. So what does she need? What pisses her off? What frustrates her? And so, um, you know, our products are in like formats that you're not normally seeing shampoo bars, co wash, bars, conditioner, all solids, um, the body balmb. I was like, I could do the mainstream fruity scents that we see on the shelf. But does that have anything to do with our culture?
Orion Brown (00:18:49):
Is there anything uniquely us about what's there? It's fine to have fruity scents. I love a good mango coconut, whatever it is, those are wonderful. But how could I lean into, um, fragrances and natural oils that I don't know, just smell like familiar, you know, and smell like our, our life without being all of the terribly toxic stuff that we grew up with. Oftentimes. Um, and so that's what I I've been kind of targeting and it, it tickles me pink when people are like, oh my God, it smells like home. It smells like this one lady. I will never forget. She was like, it smells like my grandmother's house in the best way. She was like, it reminds me of my grandmother. She was like, in the best way I got feel safe in it. And I was like,
Michelle Fox (00:19:34):
Yes, that's the word safe. I think I was saying grounded. So yeah. Grounded and safe. I'm like you did it girlfriend. You, you did it.
Orion Brown (00:19:43):
God, it's good. Cause I was like, I have no idea how I'm doing this, but I, I, I did it. I did it for us and I'm glad I was able to, to be helpful. And I mean, you know, everything that we're doing has an impact. I'm realizing that now, like we're not all gonna be famous, like El Elon Musk. I mean, I don't know if I really wanna be Elon Musk famous cuz he been getting into some stuff. But um, even just as we have this platform, so the last time you were on, we cooked together and you really had me thinking about gluten. She was like, gluten don't need to be nowhere in nobody. That body. Hm girl. No, no. And I was like, but, but <laugh> and so while I didn't go cold turkey -
Michelle Fox (00:20:27):
I'm so proud of you. Look, I brought you snacks today. I brought you some gluten free pretzels. I, I brought you some roasted almonds I brought you a, a hard boiled egg, all things we can take on the plane with us. Oh snap and keep our energy up and not get grumpy and keep our immune systems up and healthy and keep our energies high where they need to be. So, and it's
Orion Brown (00:20:53):
Way cheaper than the stuff they sell at the airport. Let's just take a step back. Please. Don't buy nuts at the airport. Y'all just go get 'em at the bulk section, put 'em in a ziplock like TSA aint gonna take your nuts. Yeah, they're not gonna take your nuts. Don't bring peanut butter. Now they get mad at this peanut butter.
Michelle Fox (00:21:12):
Neither one of us are drinking alcohol. And yet I get the giggles. When you say nuts <laugh>
Orion Brown (00:21:23):
But that's the, it's like, it's so expensive. Oftentimes it's like healthy-ish stuff. Like I feel like I see stuff that's like packaged, you know? Um, I, I personally like the banana bites, but then I also look at 'em and I'm like, that's a whole banana popped into one bite. So if I eat like six of those now the fiber. Yeah, but the sugar. Oh my God, the sugar and the sugar sweats y'all can get the sugar sweats. Midflight like, Ooh, Ooh, there was too much sugar.
Michelle Fox (00:21:55):
I'm happy for paying attention. That's right. Keep paying attention to that sugar. Cause that's what we doing next February. We are eliminating all the sugar. I don't know if you wanna join us, but it will be sugar free. I'm sorry to say it will be wine free February. No. Uh <laugh> but it'll also be happy. Healthy, happy energy be was hormones. Love too.
Orion Brown (00:22:22):
<laugh> yeah. I mean, so that's a way to say your birthday with no booze and no cake, but um, but I have reduced quite a bit. I have reduced quite a bit and especially on the gluten side, because I was like, there's a ton of stuff that I just don't need to have gluten in. Like it's not anything that I miss. So tell us a little bit about, um, how do you like, so for, well, I guess places like Costa Rica, they just have natural food, so you don't have to avoid a lot of stuff, but like how, how do you travel and keep a healthy diet in places that aren't just fruit and fresh fish?
Michelle Fox (00:23:01):
Yeah. I'm so glad you asked. Um, this is a two part answer cuz my daughter is also an Aquarius. So you all remind me a, a lot of each other. So just looking at your beautiful face, reminds me of her beautiful face. And just an hour ago, she's like madre. She calls me mdare. You have to keep it real. You have to keep it honest. She's like you should do a reel where you show some of the bad. Well, she didn't say bad. She cuz we don't use bad in good terms. <laugh> and I don't remember exact what term she meant, but she gave examples. She's like you should show a reel of, you know, us eating ice cream, meaning the kids. Yeah. Um, and then you're cooking something healthy over here. She's like you can show both sides really. So all of that to say is, um, being honest with her.
Michelle Fox (00:23:45):
So I'll be honest with you, which is we were on family vacation a couple weeks ago and I did go to town on some ice cream. Like <laugh> all my rules about dairy. I'm like, mm I, I can't say no to this fresh coconut ice cream. Why, why would I say no to this? <laugh> so, you know, I did get the stomach bloats. I got the hot flashes. I gained about five, six pounds. So, you know, I definitely paid for it, but I I'm not, you know, perfect when I travel nor am I perfect when I'm home, but I just try to focus on the healthy side. So you know, it all does end up balancing out and I can balance my hormones and keep my energy up.
Orion Brown (00:24:31):
Yeah. And it, the, I think this idea of like it, the output isn't, I'm trying to be skinny or I'm trying to be healthy for the sake of being healthy and say that I'm being healthy. It's I wanna feel good. So I can feel good right now and feel not so great later. Or I could feel maybe not so great now and feel great later. Like it's just, it's shutoffs.
Michelle Fox (00:24:54):
Right's about choice. It's about that's my clients all about choice. Yes.
Orion Brown (00:24:58):
Every time one of my friends is like, Ooh, let's get some ice cream. I'm like, if you want me to skyrocket off your couch, go ahead and grab the ice girl. I got you. Yeah. Yeah. Go ahead. Bring the spoon. I'm not gonna leave you hanging, but I'm just gonna tell you the trade off. Cause I
Michelle Fox (00:25:14):
Will a little heads up
Orion Brown (00:25:17):
Great up levitate. Um <laugh>
Michelle Fox (00:25:19):
Yeah, but with that said, I'll say there's some really great alternative. I call them nice creams in the stores now. Like even, um, like a Safeway, but I know for sure sprouts and whole foods like the cashew cream and the Oat milk cream, like, Ooh they're actually, some of them I think are tastier than the regular dairy milk ice cream. So we, we got options. We got a lot of options.
Orion Brown (00:25:44):
They're starting to get into the coconut space. They only starting to get into the Oat space. I have Trina allergy. So everything healthy, like 90% of it has to like come off. Like I have to, if I want to eat healthier, it typically isn't gonna come from center store because center of store, that's where they're gonna use nuts as alternatives to just even say that it's vegetarian, they'll use nuts. And then they'll also use them as protein sources, which are great source of protein. Um, and you, you're not gonna get me with the bean ice cream. I've tried it. I'm like, okay, that was different.
Michelle Fox (00:26:19):
You're braver than me. <laugh> I haven't tried the bean ice cream.
Orion Brown (00:26:24):
It was grainy. It was, it was I'm not the mouth feel not right. It tasted interesting. I was, I was down with the flavor, but I was like, see this, like not really worth it for me.
Michelle Fox (00:26:35):
No that, well, I'm glad you tried it for me. Cause now we'll just keep that off the list. I don't need to try that one.
Orion Brown (00:26:43):
Well, I've definitely got like, um, dairy free bars, like ice cream bars. I'm a big fan of Carmel. So they have like a little layer of Carmel in them, in the Chocolate and the bit, the whole thing's dairy free. And I'm like, I was really just, I needed a carrier for the caramel. Let me just be honest. <laugh> um, but yeah. Sounds. Oh, no.
New Speaker (00:27:05):
You mentioned your birthday in February. You said next month?
Orion Brown (00:27:07):
Yes February 19th
Michelle Fox (00:27:09):
Orion Brown (00:27:13):
The cusp. Yes. Evidently that's what the books say.
Michelle Fox (00:27:17):
No, that would make sense. You can kinda see the world from dual sides. I'm a cusp baby. So I, I have a, a special affinity for other cusp babies.
Orion Brown (00:27:28):
Right on sister. I'm so here for it. I'm so here for it. I love that. You, so you said you, you just did a family vacation. Was it a staycation or did you guys go go somewhere?
Michelle Fox (00:27:39):
Yeah. So we ended up going to Cancun. Ooh. Um, I think I mentioned that Steve and I got married two years ago. And so we were planning our familymoon, but COVID canceled that. So we were really excited to be able to kind of sneak it in the last, um, it was between new year or Christmas and new year's. I love that. And yeah, it was the first time the kiddos had been, well Steve's had been to an all inclusive. I think it was Angel's second time.
Orion Brown (00:28:08):
Yeah. She like the way my kids are set up, they gonna see it all inclusive. I'm about to travel. Like <laugh> we won't tell Steve. We won't tell Stevie said it. We won't tell these poor children.
Michelle Fox (00:28:17):
Are you calling me out? I feel like you're calling me out.
Orion Brown (00:28:17):
I just wanted, I, you know, but I mean, this is, this is what the travel life is. We going be snobs, but that's why we bring people into the fold with us. We bring 'em into the fold and open up the world for them. Absolutely.
Michelle Fox (00:28:37):
I mean, you talk, I mentioned the passport with the holes. I think my daughter has like three passports with the holes now. Cause I think for kiddos, I think they have to change 'em every three or four years cuz their faces change so fast. So I was like, who
Orion Brown (00:28:49):
The hell is that? That was me. I was two <laugh> exactly. <laugh>
Michelle Fox (00:28:55):
Exactly. So she is no stranger to the world. In fact, um, when she was a baby, I would often say that I was affirming for her that she is actually the world child because I do believe in the village principle. And I also believe that there's lessons that she has learned is learning that I can't teach her. And that's why I lean on all the aunties in the village and the uncles and the dads and the grandmas. So yeah, that, that child is very built, very blessed. Ah, I love that.
Orion Brown (00:29:25):
I love that. And the, I do believe it's really funny cuz I've, I've talked to people who are like, oh, you know, once you to have kids, you can't go anywhere. And while, and I've, I've traveled with kids, I've traveled with kids several occasions. Um, and then you look at, you know, folks like the, uh, influencersbe honest like the traveling child, if y'all follow them on Instagram, they're great. It's a really cute black family. Uh, they go everywhere and they have, I don't know. It's like tats. They have, I dunno their, I think their children are multiplying. I guess they're making more. Let's just <laugh> I dunno, I one and I feel like they have like two or three now. Um, but you see them doing and it's like, you don't necessarily have to be an expert to travel with kids. What are some of the things that you've learned or maybe even been surprised by cause traveling with one child's different than cha traveling with a root of children. So like what are some things that you've picked up and you've been like, oh this wasn't that hard. Or what was, that was challenging that you didn't anticipate.
Michelle Fox (00:30:24):
That was an awesome question. Um, well one I will admit it was all inclusive and that was the first time as a family. We had done that. So I recommend that if you can, because the kids can just go be kids and you can sit and be an adult. And for the most part, I really was in my chair with my book, just checked out <laugh> so that was actually the fun surprise. Cause typically we'll do a V R B O mm-hmm <affirmative> one just cause I love having a kitchen and I love having access to foods that I can cook for myself and for the family. So this trip, I mean like I think my mind is still processing it because it was so different. Like I didn't have to do anything and the kids, you know, they could, what is this? Get food and yes, I'm like, can we just live in an all inclusive resort so that, you know, everybody's needs are taken care of <laugh> and nobody's even thinking about Molly.
Michelle Fox (00:31:22):
So yeah. Um, unrelated to travel, more kind of a family thing. Just a little shout out to my little Oliver. He's 11. So he's in the preteen stage with, oh, you know the two teenage daughters. They're both 15. Well Angel's about to be 15. Lucy's already 15 and Oliver. He's got the odd one out, you know, cause Steve and I had each other, the girls had each other. Yeah. But he was like, so himself, like the girls were like, Ew, you stink, you go away. Ew. Don't follow us. And he's like, okay. And he just would go, you know, hop in the swimming pool or go get some ice cream or go do his thing. And I was like, Oliver for president. Like I wanna be more like that kid.
Orion Brown (00:32:05):
<laugh> he, he doesn't child tendencies. I like him. I like him. Oh, well there you
Michelle Fox (00:32:09):
Go. <laugh> oh, and it looks like I gotta give a shout out to my friend Janine. She just waved and then I know Lana was on earlier. So Hey ladies, my sister circle showed up. <laugh> so grateful. So I love
Orion Brown (00:32:24):
That tip about all inclusive piece, because I feel like sometimes in the mom role or in the caretaker role, you feel like I need to do, even when I'm on vacation and exactly. You don't truly vacate <laugh>
Michelle Fox (00:32:43):
That was it. Yes, exactly. I think maybe that's why my brain's still processing too. Like, ah, did I forget something? Did I <laugh> everybody. I am always like on,
Orion Brown (00:32:54):
I love it. I love it.
Michelle Fox (00:32:57):
Yeah. So I say more, all inclusive at the same time. There's also that kind of, I also have that little bit of guilt about the waste just because I think all inclusive resorts do create so much waste and I'm definitely, uh, pro no food waste in the world. So it's, you know, it's kinda like it's not gonna be an all the time trip, which the kids already know, but for this one time, it, it was, it was good. It was
Orion Brown (00:33:24):
Good. You're not gonna single handedly, like keep the entire, all inclusive industry going. It's just, you know, taking a moment to enjoy what's there. I love it.
Michelle Fox (00:33:36):
Yeah. I say, Hey Barb, Hey, come so grateful. You guys are here. They're like, we're here. Hey, Hey sister circle. <laugh> oh my gosh. Meet my sister circle, sister circle, meet Orion.
Orion Brown (00:33:50):
Hello sister circle. I love it. I love it. That is so, so, so this is, I have more questions about doing all inclusive with kids because yeah. Now I wanna know like, I mean, I guess the, the kids are older, but having a, having a tween is an interesting time because they're old enough to have sort of like self motivation, keep they want, they won't stick their fingers in light sockets, unless they're doing science projects, you know, like it's, it's, it's calculated risk at that point. Um, but if they're also not, you know, they're not used to being an autonomous and just out in the world doing whatever. So like how, as Oliver's like kind of exploring and stuff, what were some of the things that reassured you that of safety or, you know, like how did you kind of that, that feeling of, okay, it's too quiet <laugh> and letting him have that space.
Michelle Fox (00:34:49):
So another two part answer, which is one <laugh> Steve at one point looked at me and he was like, you're right. He's like next trip, Oliver will bring a friend with him. So that Oliver has a buddy. So that's the first part. And then the second is he really did kind of bounce between us. So either he was with Steve or he was with the girls. Well, Steve and I, I don't, I don't want it to sound like I wasn't with Oliver. So, you know, he bounced back and forth, which you know, was fine, but forward yeah. He'll, he'll have his own buddy that he can play with. Keep him in.
Orion Brown (00:35:27):
Yeah. Yeah. I, I think about, and, and I know cruises for many of us are like the farthest thing from our minds right now, given the situation. But in general, I've always been fascinated with the idea of like the Disney cruises. Um, and I feel like there's something disarming about that, which also makes me a little afraid where I'm like, well, you can't just trust everybody just cuz they got Disney on it doesn't mean they're not crazy. And you know, but by the same token, then I start to look at the types of amenities that they have and the services they have. And they're like, your kid has a wristband and we got them. It's like, they are babysat goly by the pool. And I'm like, this sounds both fascinating, wonderful and intriguing as well as horrifying and just, you know, the next brownie troop disaster, like, so I'm really torn. Like have you looked at those types of things and, and do they hold any appeal for you?
Michelle Fox (00:36:29):
Um, not necessarily. No. Um, like I don't know that I, I would be fearful cuz I feel, I mean, obviously you never know, but I feel like I've taught the kids, you know, stranger danger, you know, ways to make themselves safe, keep themselves safe. So in that way don't jump off of those, That part. I, you know, you haven't met my kids <laugh> but I just, you know, you didn't look that far
Orion Brown (00:37:05):
<laugh> oh Lord.
Michelle Fox (00:37:09):
Yeah, that could be really bad <laugh> but no, we, um, we, no, I think part of it and I know that they go to different ports, but part of it is we just like to keep it creative too. Like we wanna see different spots and the thing that they know that is that once they graduate high school, they get to pick where we go as a family for an exotic vacation. So like personally I'm hoping we get to go on that south African, sorry that you talked about, I'm hoping one of them will pick that <laugh> cause I think that would be an amazing family vacation, but
Orion Brown (00:37:45):
South Africa, Kenya, you see, oh my gosh, the hippo, the hippo. Oh, they're so cute. Um, oh I,
Michelle Fox (00:37:55):
I can only imagine. And
Orion Brown (00:37:56):
I love that. So like the, I think, you know, if were to interpret what you just said, it's not so much the um, the, the kid context of them, like being able to go off and stuff. It's just that it's so rigid. You don't get to have an adventure necessarily. And it sounds like you guys are all adventurous, which is awesome.
Michelle Fox (00:38:15):
Thank you for saying that. Yeah, it was actually Steve and I's first day with, I know all the kids, we had even extra kids too. I don't know how these extra kids came in, but we're just
Orion Brown (00:38:26):
Here. We're just here and like <laugh>
Michelle Fox (00:38:32):
But that was when I called us was team adventure. I'm like, look at us we're team adventure. And we were, we were adventuring all around downtown Denver, pretending like we were tourists. And so I love that you picked up on that or because that's one of our power words of this family is adventure team adventure. I love
Orion Brown (00:38:48):
That you guys have power words, number one. But number two, that is, I feel like so much fun when you go into a city, even if it's your own or like the local metropolitan area and go in, like, you don't know anything because you don't like you think you do, right. Cause you have the places that you normally have to go, whether it is, you know, practices over here or you have been in that building for something before and that kind of thing. But when you're just like what it's fun to do, <laugh>, you know, you start discovering really fun, strange, interesting, uh, pockets. So I love a good sort of like urban, um, I don't know, urban exploration as it
Michelle Fox (00:39:31):
Works exploration. No, I like that. Yes, absolutely. Absolut. And then to your point, once the, the ROS over cuz I am claiming it will be over one day, then it will be more fun to, you know, experiment with new restaurants and, and try new places. So I'm excited for that.
Orion Brown (00:39:50):
So I, and, and speaking of restaurants, cause you know, I always love to talk about food. Um, and that, and for some reason I'm not gonna lie. Like you showed me that egg and I was like, I'm gonna boil me an egg before I go to bed. Oh good. I love a good heart. Boil egg.
Michelle Fox (00:40:03):
Tell you through the screen here. All your <laugh>
Orion Brown (00:40:08):
Y'all okay. Wait, so side note, do you have any good tips for getting the shell off of an egg? I've heard like cold water as soon as you're, but then like other times it just does crazy stuff. So like what's the full proof method of getting that de shelled without look without in and up crunching later and feeling salty. <laugh> asking for a friend, totally asking
Michelle Fox (00:40:30):
For a friend. We don't want it crunchy. Yeah. So if you're boil it on the stove top, then you wanna put sodium some kind of salt in there. Like I would say good two to three, like heaping teaspoons, boil it for, I would usually boil it seven to eight minutes. If you wanted a hard boiled egg and then immediately pull it out, put it in a, like a bowl of ice water. Mm. And then within five minutes you should be able to just crack it and I just peel right off. Mm.
Orion Brown (00:41:00):
So that's one way all shrinks the egg on the inside and then the ice water like helps pull that way. Oh, that's good.
Michelle Fox (00:41:06):
I'm talking to a scientist. I, I forgot about that. Yeah.
Orion Brown (00:41:09):
<laugh> a nerd. A nerd. I D I dunno if I can take the scientist. Um,
Michelle Fox (00:41:14):
Yeah. You went to school as a scientist and now you're running a company as a scientist. You, you get to where the scientists clean the hat.
Orion Brown (00:41:22):
Well, I love the science of food. I mean, there's just so many cool things I was watching cuz you know, when, when you don't feel so great. Um, it's a great excuse to watch things like America's test kitchen all day long. Um, oh, so maybe you could teach me some things. I, and they have like these throwbacks from the nineties, I was like, what? I was like, oh my God, I'm losing my sight. Oh no. Like I must really be sick. And then I realized it was just old film. Like <laugh> there's that it was all like BCR style film from like the nineties. But um, but I really do love understanding like what Le does and how different lemons work in different kind of substrates. And, and for those of you are like, what the heck are you saying? It's like, Levin's the stuff that makes it puff up.
Orion Brown (00:42:06):
Substrates is the stuff that you stick it in. So whether you're making, um, you know, something without Le like a, a Mo or something like something very thin, uh, or a pancake or you're making a pan cookin, which they pop up and like, are you using air? Are you using baking soda? How does that interact with stuff? Are you using yeast? Like, I feel like it's so right. And you know, that's actually a really good point. My dad, um, at one point for like three whole months was vegan. I was like that that's hardcore, that's hardcore, like three whole months go. That was hardcore. Cause it was hardcore vegan. And he was like stone cold sending me pictures of like random ground beef substitutes and cheeses. And I was like, that looks nasty. That looks nasty. Keep going. Yeah.
Michelle Fox (00:42:56):
I'm like, as soon as he's had <inaudible> I'm like,
Orion Brown (00:42:58):
Okay, well, I mean, you know, and it's not necessarily the process stuff, but just like the different, you know, I'm like, that's just, those are just beans, but for, he turned 60 during that time period. And so I threw him a birthday, um, at a brewery cuz breweries are vegan, not at all. And, but I brought all the food in, I, I, I made a vegan cake. I made, you know, brought in vegan food and stuff. And um, I came upon this recipe and I think it's called wacky cake and it's from turn of the century war time. So great depression. Okay. People didn't have eggs in, in milk. And so the wacky cake doesn't require any of those, but it uses vinegar as a, as 11 y'all it was a good chocolate cake. I ain't gonna lie. Now. The icing was terrible because I used vegan butter. Never again, I should have just used coconut oil and whipped it. I should I, now I know I, now I know, but yeah. So it's really interesting, like the science of it and it can help you get around a lot of stuff that you go, but it has to have this in it. Like <laugh> no, what are some like good like everyday type swap outs that people might not know, but are like super simple to use.
Michelle Fox (00:44:19):
Yeah. So as you were talking, I was thinking of the chia seeds, oftentimes in my baking I'll use chia seeds. You soak 'em in some water for at least five minutes and becomes gelatinous similar to eggs. So you can use it as an egg replacer, which is awesome. Cuz you still get the protein from the chia seed, but then you don't get that egg that a lot of people are allergic to. So mm-hmm, <affirmative> Chi seed's an awesome substitute. Um, any of your alternative milks, like, well you can't do almonds, but almond milk for those of us who can hand built tree nuts. Oat milk is okay for cooking. I definitely will stay away from baking. Cause it can kind of dry things out a little bit quickly. Mm-hmm um, oh, can you do seeds cuz SESAM yeah. Okay. So Sesame seed milk actually is really high and sesamin, which is great for our skin and our nerve tissues. Oh
Orion Brown (00:45:11):
Delicious Sesame. Seed's got something in them called sesamin they do
Michelle Fox (00:45:16):
<laugh> They do theres for your science nerding out is the sesamin yes. That is a nutrient. That's awesome for our skin.
Orion Brown (00:45:29):
So that's, that's how we can keep this for I'm cracking. Even if there you go. So we all need the filter. That's one, do it, get that assessment in. I do love Sini and like, you know, give me, I make hummus and then just eat a bowl of hummus, which is probably not healthy, whatever. It's so good. It's so good. Especially
Michelle Fox (00:45:47):
When we, this is wonderful. Especially remember you and I made the hummus out of the to keep me and so that's excellent for you. That was awesome.
Orion Brown (00:45:55):
Fiber. That was bomb. Hum. I hope
Michelle Fox (00:45:59):
Feeling good the next day too. Yeah. <laugh>
Orion Brown (00:46:02):
You know, it's not weighing you down. I love that. Yeah. So you mentioned Sesame milk doesn't taste SESAM seeds like or do they get kind of that Sesame nutty flavor out of it?
Michelle Fox (00:46:12):
It doesn't say it does taste nutty mm-hmm <affirmative> but um, I think it's an awesome alternative milk that you can use for baking. I mean, you can use it for smoothies. You can even just use it for sipping if you want. But yeah, if you mix it into stuff you it's very little taste to it.
Orion Brown (00:46:29):
Got you. Got you. So are there things that particularly work well with Sesame milk? Like in terms of flavor profile?
Michelle Fox (00:46:37):
Yeah. I'm trying to think of a recipe that I would enjoy. Ooh, you can make a good ke you can do eggs, right? Yeah. Okay. With eggs. Okay. So you could use it in a KCHE like, um, a savor KCHE I think that would be delicious. Mm. Yeah. Um, I mean pretty much any kind. I mean I'm a smoothie clean. I, I just love smoothies anything in there and make it taste right. <laugh> so smoothies would be good. Um, Ooh, I have this, um, chicken and dumpling recipe and you could use it in that, which would be Ooh. I'm like, I'm gonna have to try that out. You, you just might have hooked up. I'm writing chicken
Orion Brown (00:47:19):
Please. <laugh> chicken, chicken dump, please. I'm not mad at that. Right? I'm not mad that
Michelle Fox (00:47:24):
It all be good.
Orion Brown (00:47:26):
That sounds really good. And now I'm like, now I know I'm not just being fancy when I like toast my Sesame seeds and sprinkle 'em on top of the meal. It's so cute. I could be like, uh, you need your sesamin
Michelle Fox (00:47:37):
Very good.
Orion Brown (00:47:38):
Don't need your
Michelle Fox (00:47:40):
Kiss yourself in the mirror. Absolutely
Orion Brown (00:47:44):
IAM. Yes. I love that. I love, I have to get this chicken and dumplings recipe from you cuz I go on full dumpling, uh, craving, especially in the wintertime, in the sniffly times it's like noodles are like, eh, I like a good noodle. Don't get me wrong. But a dumpling is like hearty. Yes,
Michelle Fox (00:48:07):
Yes, yes. And you, my recipe is gluten free and dairy free and delicious. So I would be happy to share that with you. I'm running that down. Oh yes. So I don't forget that either.
Orion Brown (00:48:17):
Oh yes. I love it. I love it. I, so now I'm hungry girl. I'm like, I'm eating green. I didn't mean to like do a half fast today and have green juice, but I woke up, this is how you can tell your body needs something. I, I, I ordered Instacart and um, ordered juices and stuff cuz I was like, oh I should go out and get this stuff. And then I was like, no, you got the RO stay the hell home. Good girl. For those of you who have the RO stay the hell home. It's okay. $4. I didn't really wanna be in the store like that anyway. Um right. And I got the company is suya and they have these really nice, got expense and I ain't gonna lie. It's like nine bucks for uh, a big bottle, but it's just these really nice, fresh blends that it's hard to kind of get, unless you're going to whole foods and whole foods is making them daily and that kind of thing.
Orion Brown (00:49:06):
Uh, and it's still cheaper than whole foods. And I got one that was like, uh, and call it citrus immunity. I'm like, ignore that. What's actually in it. Yeah. Which is good. And it had coconut water as a base, which is like, great. And you know, I'm like all kinds of dehydrated over here and I'm like, I'm gonna love the citrus. I'm gonna love the pineapple. I sipped it. And I was like, this does not make me happy at all. And I went to the green and I was like, this is how I knew my body. I needed it. You could like feel it. I was like, I want to, I drank the whole bottle basically. There's just like a couple cups left. Um, and I'm like, I'm like, it's so good. And it's got some sweetness cause it's got like apple, apple juice as well as like crushed apple as a base. But um, yeah, I needed the, I needed rain. I needed the cucumber and the celery and the spinach and all of that stuff. So y'all, if you ever craving something and you're like that doesn't make sense. Just eat it. Not pizza, eat it. <laugh>
Michelle Fox (00:50:04):
Yeah. CRA crave the green juice. We like that. And then what about water? Are you keeping up on your water? I am.
Orion Brown (00:50:10):
I have a, I had a picture. So a picture of just the juice. Okay. And then I had, um, some sparkling water to keep the fizz and all that stuff. People kept. They got, they got me nervous about losing my sense of taste. And so I was like, I need to, I, I feel if I keep it popping this there's nothing scientific about this. If I keep it popping, you don't have to hold on to it. I dunno. I dunno. So I've been, if, if you believe it,
Michelle Fox (00:50:33):
Then it's real for you. <laugh> you
Orion Brown (00:50:36):
Believe it achieve
Michelle Fox (00:50:37):
It. I've got this sparkling water too. So, uh, we'll just be sparkling water girls today.
Orion Brown (00:50:43):
I love it. I love it. I've been drinking my green juice out of a, a beer glass, but I like it. Cause it's like, I love it. I just, you know what? You just gotta keep it real. You gotta keep it real. I love it. <laugh> so, so what have you been up to lately? Um, in terms of nutrition and stuff. Like I've been seeing stuff pop in my inbox, like in, and since you know, I'm gonna have to get my immune system back. Right. What, what should I be paying attention that you got going on?
Michelle Fox (00:51:13):
<laugh> I love that. Yes. We want your immune system up and I've been working on my master class right now. I'm so glad you asked we, um, we did our first one on Tuesday, I guess. Oh, that was yesterday. Oh my gosh. That's COVID brain where all the time wishes together.
Orion Brown (00:51:30):
<laugh> also, I can tell you put a lot of work into it too. Cause when you do that, it, it, it makes things feel further away. The accomplishment feels further away cuz you've just been so in it. So congrats on doing that.
Michelle Fox (00:51:43):
Oh, that was so intuitive with you. Thank you. Because yes, I have poured my heart. I will tell you into this program for quite a few weeks. So yes. Thank you. It was an amazing community, amazing class yesterday. We're gonna do it again tomorrow night. So anybody listening or anybody interested, just gotta Michelle And we'll be there tomorrow night, 6:30 PM. We'll also be back on Wednesday at 6:30 PM mountain. Um, and now I'm doing that coinciding with a group coaching program. So the month of February, it's pretty much all hands on board and I've already got an amazing group assembled, but we're still welcoming in new members and that's Michelle forward slash group coaching. And um, I'm just excited. Like I think I mentioned earlier that a lot of us are going to be releasing the sugar and the alcohol and a lot of us are gonna be experimenting. I always meet people where they are, but we'll be experimenting with releasing the dairy and the wheat and as well so that people can see the relationship to what they're eating to their hormones. So bouncing the hormones and helping people learn how to get their energy up and get their sexy back. So it's called healthy, sexy February. Yes. And
Orion Brown (00:53:04):
You know what that's okay. So now I get the theme, right? Cause you got the Valentine's day. You got Valentine's day. You got love. Love all about love. Yes. So tell me a little bit, this is just cuz I'm interested. Um, help me understand, cuz I hear people talk about things like wheat and all of that stuff and it's like, it's not good for you and digestion, blah, blah, blah. But you're talking about hormone balance. How does that work? I don't, I don't really hear people talk about balancing hormones and how do you know your hormones are in balance?
Michelle Fox (00:53:35):
I love that. Love, love, love both of those questions. So yes. So all of the inflammatory ingredients that we put in our body. So that's gonna typically be your corn, your wheat, your dairy, those are the inflammatory, uh, foods when they attack our gut, whether you're celiac, gluten intolerant, or not just the way that the farming happens right now, food just isn't as pure and as organic as it was, you know, 50 years ago. So we all have some kind of allergy, even if it's minuscule, but there's something happening in our gut. Well, our gut is feeding our brain and guess what our brain is, what helps all the hormonal messengers talk to each other. So when the gut's off the brain's off and then your hormones are outta whack. So how you know, this is, if you have stomach bloat for no reason, um, how, you know, this is if you're getting flushed or hot flashes or night sweats, and this is for men and for women, you know, something's off.
Michelle Fox (00:54:37):
Um, if you're like really lethargic and you're just like, why, you know, can't I hit that reset button. Like, why am I just always like, Ugh, like that is usually that your adrenals are probably off. And the adrenals are, what's pumping a lot of the hormones, specifically cortisol. If we get too much or too little cortisol, then that's when the type two diabetes comes into play. That's when, uh, higher risk of stroke comes into play. So that's why I'm really like, serious about getting people's hormones and balance so that we can feel good in our body and we can show up for each other. So I love that. That's what I'm all about
Orion Brown (00:55:17):
Too. The, the scientist in me is like, let me go get my hormone levels. Um, cuz I just like numbers. I like to be able to benchmark, but the interesting thing that I, especially if you're just going to, and, and I love that so many things have been democratized by the internet personally because this idea of you go to the doctor and it's within acceptable levels, but you don't have your own baseline cause they're not tracking it over time. And that kind of thing. Um, I even, I was taking my temperature to today, my normal temperature, my normal body temperatures below 98. So I'm like if I'm hitting 98, 6, I have a fever. Like, you know, but that's not sort of like the general knowledge of it. And so having, um, measurable and I use like Everly, well it's not an endorsement or anything, but I use Everly.
Orion Brown (00:56:07):
Well, cause you can get the test that you need. You could also go to like lab Corps or any of these other places, the places that you, if you were trying to get a job for those of you who like go for the job and then they're like, you gotta go do the drug test at this place. You can just show up at those places and ask for the tests that you want and pay out of pocket and handle that yourself and see your own numbers. Um, which I didn't actually know. I was like, oh, oh I, you mean, I actually get to know information about my own body. I get, imagine that I can check the data when I need to, um, proud of. So I guess that's really cool, but I also love this sort of directional. Like if you feel off, if you feel too hot, too cool, too cranky too, not getting enough sleep. Like if you don't feel well, something's often it's likely hormonally based.
Michelle Fox (00:56:53):
I love that. Exactly. And you deserve to feel well. We all deserve to feel well in our bodies and that's part of our program next month as well. We're doing a self assessment, um, in the beginning and then at the end, so you can compare how you're feeling beforehand. I love that. And how you feeling at the end? And part of that is too, this is actually giving away some secrets. But part of that is, uh, quote unquote, a requirement to get our hormone levels checked by our doctors as well. Love it.
Orion Brown (00:57:22):
Yeah. What you can't, you can fix what you can't measure. Um, you know, so, and that's true in
Michelle Fox (00:57:28):
Business's there.
Orion Brown (00:57:29):
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, no, you can't measure things in like your emotional, like this is why when you go to the doctor, they ask you which happy face or sad face what your pain levels are. That's measurement still measurements qualitative, but it's still measurement. So measure, measure, measure, pay it's tension to how you feel. And this I'm, I'm gonna link it back to travel because we've, I think we've all at least had one time that we've traveled somewhere. It doesn't matter if it's abroad or not, where you've had something you've eaten something and didn't agree with you. And you were like, that just ruin my whole trip. And I love when we talked last time, it was, I think we talked about dream on the plane and it's like, yeah, it may be free, but it's not worth it because you don't wanna miss the experience. Blo it dehydrated off tired.
Michelle Fox (00:58:17):
Adrenal's getting slammed. Yes. Yes.
Orion Brown (00:58:21):
I love that. I love that. And it's just like, just being mindful. I love that. Uh, well I would love to travel with you anytime. And I feel like
Michelle Fox (00:58:31):
GTO ghetto,
Orion Brown (00:58:32):
DTO, and y'all, if y'all don't know, this lady can cook. Like, and like we have to like, like we, we were making little OEU and like kind of appetizer with things last time I was GRB you guys, the next I had leftovers and I was like, I'm dumb. No. Um, I'm so glad, which
Michelle Fox (00:58:50):
Orion Brown (00:58:51):
Very happy. Well, and that's what it should be. Right? Like I think one of the things about dieting and we're not talking about diet, we're talking about eating well, but the things that turn people off about dieting is you don't want the stuff that you have to eat. Like you just don't want it.
Michelle Fox (00:59:07):
Orion Brown (00:59:08):
And you know, like, it's like, if I wanted it, then I wouldn't have a problem with it. If it was like, I wake up and, and I'm like, if I don't have lettuce in my body in 10 minutes, it's gonna be a problem. Like nobody says that <laugh> nobody says, I say that
Michelle Fox (00:59:22):
Minus tail. If I don't have tail in my body in 10 minutes, there's gonna be a problem. But it's usually in a smoothie. It's usually in a smoothie when you can't taste it. Yeah. If this makes me feel good, but KA chips, you like the KA chips, is that what you just said?
Orion Brown (00:59:36):
Yeah. I'm I'm just the carrier. I just want anything. That's a carrier for the seasoning that crispy. I honestly don't care what again, the substrate is so, oh, so
Michelle Fox (00:59:44):
You're more like a texture person. I'm
Orion Brown (00:59:46):
A texture and a flavor person. So I'm like very open to if it tastes good. If I like the texture. Now, if it's squishy in a way that's not kosher, I'm sorry. Y'all
Michelle Fox (00:59:58):
I've done. I've
Orion Brown (01:00:00):
Done the spring box for our Pacho and it looked very good. And it had this like pair compote on top, but I was chewing it for five minutes and I was like, Nope, thank you very much. The flavor was lovely. I'm never having that again. <laugh> um, <laugh>
Michelle Fox (01:00:13):
And yet you tried. So I did,
Orion Brown (01:00:15):
I did good job. Good job. But that's the thing it's like, it's trying the things and seeing what you love and then finding the stuff that's that's healthy is so great. Cuz then it's just like, I'm numb. I will, I can't have a cucumber in my house. It will be gone by the end of the day, every time. Oh, I love cucumber. Just slice it up. Little salt, little pepper, just a little flavor to it and just eat it as a snack. Y'all I can eat it like potato chip. It doesn't replace a potato chip. I wouldn't dip it or anything, but in terms of like a snack that I can't stop
Michelle Fox (01:00:47):
In humid in the hummus or in any of the dip,
Orion Brown (01:00:51):
But I like just the taste of the cucumber. So that's for me like the taste. So I'm like, I don't wanna dip in other things. And then like when it is a chip and it's a dip, it's just like, I just need a crunchy carrier for the dip. Like, I mean for dip in that situation. So I'm very, very complicated. Y'all I'm so complicated.
Michelle Fox (01:01:07):
<laugh> but you know what you like, and it sounds like you're liking more and more of the culinary nutrition style food. So I journey
Orion Brown (01:01:17):
The shout out. I, and, and I, I'm not new to it. <laugh> I'm not gonna I know into it, but
Michelle Fox (01:01:24):
I do, you know, your way around the kitchen.
Orion Brown (01:01:26):
Well, and I love finding new recipes that happen to be healthy. And they're just really tasty if that makes sense. Absolutely. Because there's so much, you know, of course I wanna feel better, but there's so much pressure. And so many things wrapped up in lose weight before you're vacation. Just wait before you go to the beach, do all of that. And I'm like, look, hun, I want to be able to go to the beach without burning. The second I get there because I'm off. Like when I don't eat well, my skin is all dry. I get all burnt up and crispy, not that's beside, you know, you gotta put on you, but like it's, it's just finding the things that I can, I can really enjoy and have that, um, tactile moment with the food. You love it and not have love it still feel great. And then have some more tactile moments. I just, I love food. I love food. And you have great recipes. That was my whole point. I totally went on a tangent. That was my whole point <laugh> was that your recipe?
Michelle Fox (01:02:30):
Thank you. I'm so glad you liked my food. Oh yeah. And hopefully soon we can cook together in person, in like an exotic country somewhere together. How about
Orion Brown (01:02:40):
That? Ooh girl. Don't tell me that. Don't tell me that. Oh my God. Well, we gotta put it
Michelle Fox (01:02:45):
Out in the universe to make
Orion Brown (01:02:46):
It happen. Right? Uh, Jesus take the wheel. We gonna need some peppers. We gonna need some, uh, some peas everywhere. I been that's black. They have some form of P that is like very local pigeon peas or, or a different peas. Uh, and they're always bombs. So yeah, we're gonna have to find a place to cook. And even if we were to go to a V R B and cook our own stuff without, Hey, we going, we gonna get, we gonna kick it. <laugh> absolutely. I'm coming. Yeah. Come on.
Michelle Fox (01:03:15):
Come join us ladies. We would be
Orion Brown (01:03:17):
So good. I mean, I, so if you could do like a travel master class of cooking, um, with exotic and fresh food and wellness and gauging your inner, like if you could show people that they feel a thousand times better on a trip with you eating well, then they normally do what and they just go out and, and do whatever. I bet you would change a lot of people's lives. Cause they'd be like, I can get so much more out of it.
Michelle Fox (01:03:51):
I recently put on my page, Michelle that I'm doing a women's retreat in the, um, by ocean in December. Can't tell you where it's gonna be yet. But the fact that you just said that gave me full body goosebumps. Cause we're manifesting it. It doesn't, we don't have to know what it looks like yet, but it's gonna happen in this.
Orion Brown (01:04:10):
It's gonna happen. I love it. I love it. You go, that'll be part of, well, I have my trip to Antarctica, so I'm gonna be all up and through south America making my way down to the boat. So oh,
Michelle Fox (01:04:21):
Good for you.
Orion Brown (01:04:23):
So we, we can make it, uh, wedge, right? Maybe, maybe we could do something to south America, but um, but yes, this has been so much fun. Every time I talk to you, I get hungry and I have
Michelle Fox (01:04:34):
Me too. Let's go eat and you
Orion Brown (01:04:36):
Make thinking differently, uh, particularly about what I put in my body when I travel. Um, because then I kind of make those comparative and we've all had those trips where you go to an island and they feed you. Well, because that's what's available. And you're like, why do I feel so good? I've eaten. So I haven't stopped eating yet. And I feel so good. That's why y'all so
Michelle Fox (01:04:54):
Cause it's whole foods. It's usually the grains. Well the healthy grains, the fruits, fresh fruits, the fresh produce is the fish. Yeah. More of that. The fresh fish. Yes. Yes. That, that Croat your
Orion Brown (01:05:08):
Body happy. I'm just gonna slide that in there. If y'all love fresh fish, go to Croatia. Spend the summer there. It's amazing. Um, by the PA like just grilled all a Alania or, I mean, I guess that doesn't make sense cause they don't speak Spanish, but you know what I mean? All grilled. Oh, so good. Okay. So we gotta talk about some more food later now. I'm I'm like at the bottom of my green drink, I'm still alive. Y'all like, I mean the filter's doing me justice, but I actually feel pretty good. So I really appreciate you kicking it with me every week. It's so it's such a blessing to be able to have this forum and yes, I created it, but you y'all didn't have to come. Um, the guests didn't have to come. The folks that are listening in didn't have to come.
Orion Brown (01:05:51):
Um, but it has been a super, super big blessing to me. Otherwise I would've just been asleep and been like, Ooh, you got the RO. Um, so this has been so wonderful and I hope it was wonderful for you guys too. All the folks in the comments for those of y'all who don't know me, my name's O' Ryan Brown. I'm the founder and CEO of black travel box. Follow us at black travel box. We are all about that travel life. And we have some really awesome product, um, as well. But if you just wanna hang out and talk, talk about all the fun of travel, just keep kicking with us cuz that's what we going do. Um, Michelle. Oh my gosh. I love you SIS. I love you. I was so excited. I woke up this morning and I was like, I don't feel good. And I was like, but I'm gonna talk to Michelle later. Thank you so much. I'm so grateful.
Michelle Fox (01:06:39):
You pushed through. Thank you for being here with me. This was
Orion Brown (01:06:42):
Amazing. I'm trying to thank you for being here. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And for those of y'all who missed it? Cuz she brought, she brought the snacks. It was what? Almond egg
Michelle Fox (01:06:53):
We've got the roasted almonds. We got the gluten free pretzels and the hard boiled three things you can take on a plane with you.
Orion Brown (01:07:01):
Yes. The black bags y'all don't buy it at the, my, my tidbit is don't pay that money for that. Now you need to go to the grocery store. <laugh> thanks. Ask Cammy. I, I appreciate the, the good vibes, but y'all need, go to grocery store, go to the book section, go get your nuts and I can eat peanuts y'all so I'm not completely lost on it. Um, go get your nuts. They're not the same almonds. I know. I, I used to be able to eat 'em it's the whole thing. We'll talk about it later. Um, <laugh> go boil your eggs and put 'em in the ice. Salt them in the boiling water, put 'em in the ice. Let 'em sit. And then you don't have to fight with them. As some people are known to do and end up crunching. I'm like, Ooh, that's just fiber. It's not, it's not fiber. Y'all that's a lie. Ain't nothing fibers about that. It's like calcium basically. I don't know. But um, in any case, this has been so much fun. I'm gonna gimme a snack. I'm gonna, I'm gonna get me some more green juice and I'm gonna take my tickets to bed. Thank you so much for joining. I really appreciate you girl.
Michelle Fox (01:07:59):
You are welcome. I appreciate you as well.
Orion Brown (01:08:02):
Oh, I love you. Everybody have a great night. It's all downhill from here. It's hump day. We made it. We're past it. Couple more days. We have the weekend. Y'all I hope you have a blessed week and we'll see you next Wednesday. And hopefully I won't. I'll be talking outta both nostrils, not just one. And we're gonna have a great time. Bye bye everyone.
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